Who is NaturesGod?
In Thomas Jefferson’s first draft of the Declaration of Independence there was no creator. It read, “All men are created equal & independent.” The revised version reads, “All men are endowed by their creator.” To the founding fathers “creation” and “creator” are the same thing. They were America’s first rebels. They demanded a God they could revere but not obey. A God who acknowledged laws but not mysterious acts. A God who could stand as an ideal but who would never stand in the way. In “Natures God ” they found a God who helps those who help themselves.
C - Yourself Becoming….......
There were giants on the earth before and after the flood (Genesis 6:4). We were seen as grasshoppers in their sight (Numbers 13:33). The sons of god had relationships with the daughters of men (Genesis 6:1). We are co-creators with the divine (John 14:12). See yourself becoming the miniature version of the creator of your life thru the choices you have made.
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