Sacred Sounds

Sacred Sounds

Sacred sounds in many traditions are the central means for invocation of the spirits. The utterance of particular sounds is thought by many cultures to form a connection to all the elements of the universe. In some belief systems music and sound vibrations are pathways for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Nature itself is full of sounds—birds singing, the wind blowing through the trees, waves breaking on the beach, innocent children laughing, and so many more. Unfortunately, for much of our time nowadays, we separate ourselves from nature. When you spend time in nature listening to these sounds, your physiology becomes harmonized with the rhythms and flow of nature. All traditions of the world have used sound for healing, whether the beating of a drum, a bell, a gong, or a sacred chant. The ancient Vedic Tradition of India has taken this a step further, exploring and refining the use of sound over thousands of years to formulate it into the Vedic Science of Mantras.


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