

All beings see according to their perceptions based on previous conditionings and the particular lessons they came to learn. The world we discern through our sense perceptions is a construction of our Mind, not necessarily an accurate representation of reality.

As we navigate through uncertain times, we are reminded to be discriminating about who or what we are giving our time and energy to. This includes time spent on machines, social media, etc. “Who owns your time, owns your mind.”

“From the perspective of the Noosphere, the speed of the machine has now surpassed the speed of thought. As billions of thoughts and images shuttle back and forth through the Internet, the instrumentation external to the human brain causes a feedback loop that accelerates more rapidly than the normal human thinking apparatus can comprehend. “This, in turn, exacts a toll in the form of great psychic turbulence, opening fractures and fault lines in the collective unconscious. As the human mind becomes unhinged, the biological nervous system numbs to protect itself from the ever-increasing onslaught of novelty. Humanity's separation from the natural order has reached a limit. This is at the root of the mega-crisis.”

Jose Arguelles , Manifesto for the Noosphere, p. 35.


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