Biosphere-Noosphere transition
Biosphere is the sum unity of all of life. Noosphere is the planetary sphere of thought and its collective intelligence. To realize the Noosphere requires self-reflection. The cultivation of a reflective mind combined with a sincere focus to “know,” draws us into direct realization of ever deeper realities. As we move into the Noosphere, human consciousness and our physical bodies will become more subtle. A purified physical / emotional vessel combined with a refined sensitivity assists us in linking with the subtle worlds. This linking is realized through resonant attunement. In this space we can begin to perceive the inner essence of other beings. Manifesto for the Noosphere points out that the transition from the biosphere to the Noosphere takes place through an intermediary stage called the technosphere. The technosphere is the artificial sheath of technology that emerged from the biosphere and now permeates the planet. It is an online digital environment.
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